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Holiday Projects

Actually I already have holiday from one month ago. I have no idea about how to do; everyday I spend my time to go to the mall, reading book, playing Osu! (I will tell you more about this game), watching anime, browsing, and make cross stitch (I will tell you more about this too). I've already tried to find a job (working in magazines, maybe?), but there are no job vacancy. So, I'm only stuck on long boredom because I can't do nothing. That's why, I try to make my holiday projects. Here are my projects:

1. #projectfanfic
My project which I have planned about three months ago. It's project that collect fanfictions from people and then make it to the book. Quite interesting, isn't it? Your fanfic can be read by all the people! You just send your fanfictions to me and then I'll make your fanfic to the book. More info: . Temporary deadline: May, 31st, 2011.

2. Cross Stitch
Three weeks ago, I came to school to fit jumper that will be get on the graduation day. After school, I decided to go to Pasar Atom in Pasar Baru, which sell wigs, clothes, and other cosplay properties. However, when I chatted with one of my cosplay friend on the messenger, I found that cosplay properties in Pasar Atom is quite expensive. So, I changed my plan and went from one store to other store to buy... cross stitch! Cross stitch is kind of handicraft that I loved very much... in the past. I have about three months holiday, so I want to spend the holiday time for making cross stitch.

3. Get Top 50 Player in Indonesian Catch the Beat's Chart
I've told you that I spend my holiday time to play "Osu!". "Osu!" is game that have three modes: Osu! Standard, Taiko, and Catch the Beat. Osu! Standard is similiar to game that called Osu! Ouendan in DS console. You click the rhythm, or often you must slide your mouse to the slider, even make a circle quickly with your mouse when you got the spinner. Taiko is similiar with... Tap a Jam, maybe (do you remember this old game? I am a Tap a Jam maniac in the past XD). You have two buttons which you can choose in your keyboard. When you got red, press one of the button in your keyboard and when you got blue, press the others. However, in my opinion, Taiko is the most difficult mode in "Osu!". The easiest is Catch the Beat, in my opinion. You only press left and right arrow button (and sometimes left Shift button) in your keyboard to catch fruits.
Although most of the player are usually good at Osu! Standard mode, I prefer to play Catch the Beat because it is easy (even in Insane mode... XP) and not make your mouse or keyboard broken. I heard from other "Osu!" players that their mouse or keyboard is broken because of playing Osu! Standard or Taiko. Also, Catch the Beat is relaxing (if you play it in no mod selection), because you can enjoy the song and the video while you catch the fruits.
Now, my ranked score is about 400 million, and I should get more 100 million to be the top 50 Indonesain CTB player. It maybe sounds difficult, but actually it is quite easy I think, because in first month of the holiday I already get more than 150 million score! XD

4. Make Online "Magazine"
I want to make online "magazine" with English, but the articles is most about Indonesia. I will make a new blog (Wordpress, maybe), and then write entries such as lifestyle, tips, quiz, and more. I'll try to update it whenever I'm online. Hope I can manage time well when I'm study in the university so I can update the "magazine" everyday. Hope this project improve my bad English... XD

5. Writing Project
I will remake the Chrive: 2nd Revenge, the sequel of Chrive: 1st Reunion that already be sold in online bookstore. I will make a new book too, but the title and the content is still a secret. Also, I will finish my ongoing fanfic in KAORI, animanga forum that I join.


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